Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Take a look at some our friends!

Nothing got better with a fantastic floral arrangement then stunning home furnishings. If you're looking to spruce up your home this spring, make sure to check out our friends at homeport: http://homeportvt.vox.com
Located on Church St in Burlington, Vermont, they carry a unique and wide array of home furnishings to turn your dull winter home into a thriving spring get away. 

On the other hand, if you're looking to physically get out of the house and take in the beautiful Vermont scenery, check out our friends at North Star Sports: 
Specializing in bikes of all kinds, they can surely find any tourist or local the bike they need to travel around.

Arrangement types

It's come to our realization that although we've talked about various types of flowers to use in arrangements, we haven't even covered the different types of arrangements!

To being with, there are 5 basic types of arrangements to use in floral design. And for each arrangement form, the use of local flowers, line flowers and filler flowers is a must! The different between the 10 is of course, the shape of design.

The following are the various types.

1. Pyramid: The base is a triangle and is very tall. Generally used as a table centerpiece. 

2. Dome: A dome arrangement is round. The container used in this arrangement should be medium in height. Additionally, it is an all around arrangement with the same distribution of flowers all around. 
3. Crescent: Is a curve arrangement that is quite difficult to make because it is asymmetrical. The proportion much be balanced from whichever angle you look at. In addition, the weight must be balanced too so that the arrangement is stable. 
4. Horizontal: Is a low arrangement but the length is usually 2 times the height. A classic horizontal arrangement is symmetrical, which means the length on both sides is the same. More so, the placement of the flowers should be mirrored on the other side. 

5. Fan: Is an arrangement that's shaped into a fan. In order to build the fan, you must use flowers with long and strong stems like the gladious, ester and others. With this arrangement you can be creative with the focal area and create any design.

Silk flowers

Silk flower arranging can be especially fun when you have a beautiful design in mind and want to decorate a home. However, they can also be difficult to cut because the stems are too thick or they don't bend they way you want them to. 

If you find yourself in that difficult position, don't give up! Instead, here are some tips on how to master the art of silk flower arrangements to help make it a little less frustrating and more fun.

1. If you are planning to make a big silk flower arrangement, you must make sure that the base for the arrangement is strong. What you can do to add weight to you arrangement is, instead of using foam for artificial flowers, use floray clay. It's heavier and can withstand heavy flowers.

2. Silk flower stems are made from wires so that they are easy to bend. But some stems are really thick and difficult. You need to invest in a good wire cutter in order to be able to cut those stems. A good technique is when your stems are difficult to cut, use the wire cutted to make a cut mark on the stem. Then use your hands to bend the stem forward and backwards until it breaks.

3. In silk flower arranging, the proper technique will be to cover the foam with moss. First, spray the foam using spray glue. Then, cover the foam with moss bit by bit.

4. Before you start inserting you silk flowers into the foam, first imagine what your arrangement will look like. Plan which flowers will go where and how would they appear. Once you've got the basic idea of how you want your arrangement to be, bend the silk flowers according to how you want them to look like, then being insertion.

5. Always remember, not only in silk flower arranging but in all flower arranging, the big flowers should always be inserted at the focal area!

6. If you are making a tall arrangement with a low container, you might want to glue your foam onto the bottom base of the container. This is to fully secure the base when making tall arrangements.

7. If you find that certain silk flowers tend to easily fall out, you can always use a glue gun to glue them back to their stem.

8. If you need to lengthen the stems of the silk flowers for insertion, you can use floral picks. Floral picks are attached with wires at the end and you can use it to wire the stem to the floral pick. You can also use a thick floral wire to attach to the stem of the flower and tape the two together to extend the length of the silk flower.

Hopefully you'll find these tips helpful :)

And remember, silk flowers nowadays resemble the real thing. Plus, there are so many types and colors to choose from, so don't be afraid to try it out.

Tropical flowers

Although most involved in the floral industry have spring arrangements on the mind, it's never too soon to start thinking about summer. Depending on the florist, their cliental, and where they're located the flowers they use for summer arrangements may vary. One major variety of flowers we suggest florists work with in the summer are tropical flowers.

A major positive in working with tropical flowers is that they last much longer than other flowers, and there's very little maintenance involved. No worries on them drying in a short period of time :)

Some especially beautiful tropical flowers we suggest working with are:
Ginger - it's the actual flower of the spice ginger. 
Bird of paradise - very popular for arrangements in hotels and resorts.
Anthuriums - heart shaped with a spike in the middle
Orchid - a classically beautiful flower that's great for room decoration.
Heliconians - a marvellous flower that has big red hanging flowers all over.

If interested, make your first purchase of 200 or more from us at Green Mountain: (802) 865-4447

Tulips revisited

I'm not sure if anyone realized, but all of our original posts have somehow vanished off the face of blogger! Frustrating, but we're here to fix everything and re-post everything we've written about :)

Our first blog post was about Tulips, due to the fact that we gave a bit of information on them in our e-mail newsletter.

Tulips are THE flower for spring season. Consumers are ordering bouquets, arrangements, and baskets of tulips by the dozen! Basically what we're trying to say is: if you're a florist that isn't currently working with tulips, or haven't placed an order for some, you need to  hop on the bandwagon.

Some tulip varieties we suggest are:
Parrot  - are large and have a great curled petal.
Fringed - are unique because all the petals have fringes.
Lily-flowered - have thin, outwards pointing petals.
Fosteriana - perfect for wedding bouquets.

You can place an order of 300 or more of any of these varieties from us at Green Mountain (802) 865-4447.