Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tropical flowers

Although most involved in the floral industry have spring arrangements on the mind, it's never too soon to start thinking about summer. Depending on the florist, their cliental, and where they're located the flowers they use for summer arrangements may vary. One major variety of flowers we suggest florists work with in the summer are tropical flowers.

A major positive in working with tropical flowers is that they last much longer than other flowers, and there's very little maintenance involved. No worries on them drying in a short period of time :)

Some especially beautiful tropical flowers we suggest working with are:
Ginger - it's the actual flower of the spice ginger. 
Bird of paradise - very popular for arrangements in hotels and resorts.
Anthuriums - heart shaped with a spike in the middle
Orchid - a classically beautiful flower that's great for room decoration.
Heliconians - a marvellous flower that has big red hanging flowers all over.

If interested, make your first purchase of 200 or more from us at Green Mountain: (802) 865-4447

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